On Monday February 28th the Rookie Career Accelerator (RCA) met at Top Golf for our first Learning Lab. Having this amazing cohort of women together in one room, thankfully in person this time, was energizing for everyone. The Building Your Team Learning Lab emphasized the importance of team in an athletic career and similarly how a professional support system is vital to career success and acceleration.
Sara Wegmann, Her Next Play’s President, opened the night by setting the groundwork for the Learning Lab. Her remarks focused on the sheer importance of connections and building your team. Members of the cohort broke into four table groups for conversations facilitated by amazing professional women who themselves were former athletes. A huge thank you to Sarah Schott (Gravie), Jessie Doig (Lyte), Sue Newton (Salo), and Ellyn Adelmann (Timberland Partners) for lending their time, experiences and advice.
The lively conversations started with reflecting on the numerous people that helped them succeed in their athletic careers. Then participants assessed their professional support system including mentors, peers, industry experts, sponsors, connectors and information insiders.
After assessing their team of support, RCA participants were challenged to “fill in the gaps” in their network. Facilitators discussed their personal experiences building their network and the groups focused on the “plays” they could make to expand their team through joining professional associations, volunteering, using social media, referrals, mentors, and engaging in the community.
Facilitators then discussed ways they invest in their team to create meaningful and impactful relationships. They shared stories of how gratitude solidified relationships and outlined strategies they used to deepen connections.
To wrap up the learning lab, each individual member of the cohort was able to set two goals to strengthen and broaden their professional teams.
Top Golf then hosted a golf competition, yes, we golfed in February! The evening was energizing, inspiring, and educational! We are looking forward to our next Learning Lab on March 14th where we will learn about Empowered Communication with Dr. Amelia Reigstad.